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Welcome to Linmer

Greetings from the Town Chamber of Commerce and the Illuminati.

Despite what you have been led to think you either have found your way here on your own or have been contacted by a member of our great city. Either way let me congratulate you. Now 1st let us tell you a bit about our city. Linmer was founded long ago by a group of witches and wizards. One of the wizards was a student under the greatest wizard of all time Merlin. He had wrote in one of his journals that he dreamed of building a town where all magic user would be safe from non-magic users which we call Nobels which stands for Non-Belivers. Only those who are willing to follow the law are welcome into our city. We must warn you that now that you are aware of the truth you must be careful with how you proceed. All new town members without a wand must follow the following directions. Locate a business called

Mealcot Bar & Grill

Be there at three hours after midday. Speak to the bar tender, who will ask you leave.

You must respond with the phrase, "Not if the tree falls first" Of course if a member of the Illuminati is with you none of this is required.

Linmer has the very best magical schools and upon your arrival we will grant you temporary lodgings while you wait to take your M.A.T.'s which stands for Magical Assessment Test. This test will rank your magical abilities and our career supervisors can place you in a job that will best suit your skills. Each new citizen is asked to commit to a five years stay. What this means is if you choose this path you have to leave everything behind for no less than 5 years. The reason why is for your safety. As said before there is a secret war going on between magic users and a group of witch hunters called: The Free Masons.

However, Linmer has plenty of shops and all kinds of entertainment to keep you satisfied. Our city is safely hidden not just from our enemies but from the world and has been so for a very long time.

We all here look forward to seeing you soon and again welcome to Linmer.

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